Highlights of the 22nd Annual Belfast Regatta, August 17, 2024
Pleasant temperatures, along with challenging winds and choppy conditions, greeted 105 racers in nine pilot gigs, five kayaks, and twelve other assorted fixed- and sliding-seat rowing craft for the 22nd Annual Come Boating! Regatta. Cheering on the racers from shore, the spectators witnessed some great rowing and impressive finishes. Not to be outdone, Come Boating’s team of volunteer bakers, cooks, and servers displayed their skills as well, treating everyone to a fantastic picnic buffet. Thanks to everyone who made the day such a success!

Ring in the New Year at the
Hot Sugar Shindig!
ComeBoating! is sending three teams across the pond to England in May 2024 to compete in the World Pilot Gig Championships. You can support the teams AND ComeBoating's boat maintenance fund while ringing in the New Year at the Hot Sugar Shindig!
Rock to live music by the Hot Suppers and the Sugar Snaps, enjoy frosty beers from Frosty Bottom Brewing, buy a lucky 50/50 raffle, and join the parade down to the waterfront for the bonfire lighting at midnight.
New Year's Eve Dance Party
Sunday, December 31, 2023
7:30-11:30 pm EST
American Legion
143 Church Street
Belfast, Maine
We hope to see you there!
- The Scillies Racing Crews

2023 Belfast Regatta: What a Glorious Day!

Come Boating's 21st Annual Belfast Regatta was huge success! Ten gigs, five kayaks, and twelve assorted other human-powered boats completed the four-mile course.
Congratulations to all 97 intrepid racers!
A big thank-you to everyone who participated as racers, enthusiastic spectators, or volunteers. Please check back here or our Facebook page for more updates.
We hope you will join us at next year's regatta!
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